Comments on: 7 Things You Didn’t Know About The Black German Shepherd Mon, 20 Feb 2023 20:09:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Beist Mon, 20 Feb 2023 20:09:25 +0000

I have trained, bred and shown conformation dogs for 50 years, worked in veterinarian medicine, physical therapy and massage for dogs and the studies of wild canids, to understand dog behavior, I also work and study of aggression and handled aggressive dogs, I’ve worked with dogs for police and military, I’ve been along time German Shepherd owner and breeder of imported working lines. I’m going to reply to some of the issues that people have mentioned, the ear issue is basically what everyone has said don’t worry about it unless it’s genetic, their ears will stand and fall while they are losing their puppy teeth which by 5 to 6 months they will have their adult teeth, to you have to be careful while the ear cartilage is soft because it they are kept where the ears are bend down will cause the ears to be broken and will not stand and if the ears are solf some people will glue a hair roller ( the form part) inside of the ears to hold them up to stand, the problem with the dog biting the ear of the other dog to me sounds like they have a very dominant dog, German Shepherds have to be watched around other dogs, but not being able to see what is going on is kind of hard to tell how to correct the issue but owners need to be in charge and have that leadership role, domestic dogs do not see it in the same way that wild canids do as far as a pack, but there is a pecking order, submissive signaling in domestic dogs does not stop or prevent a aggressive dog from fighting as it does in wild cainds, domestic dogs will fight to the dead , and some dogs can’t be kept with other dogs. The owners need to get control of the dog and do some OB training on the dog a long with teaching it the do’s and don’ts and what his is his and what’s your is yours and the comman “ leave it” and a GSD you can’t be in control like a solf voice but in a voice that you mean it just as you would do your kids, well I’m going to stop here because this comment will become a book lol

By: Zuca Tue, 06 Sep 2022 23:05:13 +0000

My friend owns a 3yr old male black.He is looking to breed him any suggestions.
I have video of him and can get pictures as well…

Good information as well thanks…

By: Bartholomew Divine Mon, 21 Mar 2022 12:26:16 +0000

I have a black gsd it has a straight ear at 8week and can eat well .I love my black gsd hoping to get more

By: meee Sat, 26 May 2018 11:31:58 +0000 Loki the sneaky black Shepard

my black Shepard is too cute so loving and didn’t cost a butt load

By: Brady Sat, 19 May 2018 01:47:46 +0000

I have a black German Shepherd female 2 and 1/2 years old absolutely the best guard dog I’ve ever had in my life with no training whatsoever seriously but only joking side if my girlfriend is mad at me for whatever reason the dog will not let her get even close to me God damn I love my dog German Shepherds are the best by No Doubt

By: Lorrie Sat, 28 Apr 2018 16:42:52 +0000 GSD ears

In reply to Sanders.

Not all GSD have erect ears, though most do. Ours is pure breed, American line, 120# 2yr old with droopy ears. His mom had one up and one down. It’s a genetics thing. Actually he was given to us by breeder to train as service dog because she couldn’t sell him.

By: F2 KICKS Tue, 17 Apr 2018 18:30:15 +0000 LOVING AND PROTECTING

I have 2 German Shepherds, a black one and a brown and black one. They are very protective and they will love you if you give them time in your day like 2 hour every 12 hours.

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By: Carol Fiori Mon, 02 Apr 2018 17:44:15 +0000 BGS 10 month old female puppy

I have a 10 month old BGS and she is our “wild child”! She is scared smart and very protective! We are having a difficult time training her! She does whatever she wants! It’s like she owns us! We love her more than anything in the world! We she ever calm down? Is it just because she’s a puppy?

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By: JTT Sun, 04 Mar 2018 19:51:56 +0000

Wow! Great reading. I’ve had two “regular” black and tanGerman Shepherds but the all black is so striking.
They are definitely not for rookie owners. Nor would I recommend the breed to an owner(s) who might be working a typical 40 hour work week. Best if you can interact with them constantly. And they do shed! But overall I love the breed.

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By: harry kougias Thu, 10 Aug 2017 17:10:15 +0000

In reply to keith B.

where are you located will be interested in buying an all black g.s. in the future no rush i have an 11year old now.. and what is your price !!!!!
